Sunday, January 23, 2011

Conwoocious Fail

Oh man, has it been over ten months since my last post? Fail. Epic fail. What can Conwoocious say but "my bad"? But I resolve to post more. The quality will suffer, but dammit, quantity will be maintained. And in this now now now instant gratification world, quantity trumps quality. Tweets, twits, status updates and the like, more more more of stupid stuff. Perfect. I can post stupid inane crap more often. (Not that the previous stuff was not stupid inane crap, just more thought-out inane crap.) So what shall I rant about in this crap post, er, post? How about how much I hate Twitter and status updates on Facebook? And self-absorbed bitter ranty blog posts, for that matter? Too close to home? Too negative? Okay, then, I'll turn this post around and make it positive. Puppies and sunshine positive. Aren't McNuggets wonderful? They're the most wonderful fried chicken parts unknown ever. Especially now that, and I quote Fast Food News or whatever random website that I ran across: "Chicken costs have decreased…allowing for more competitive promotions by fast food restaurants." Cheaper fried bits of chicken parts unknown to dip into tangy cartons of sauce shaped perfectly to accommodate nugget-shaped nuggets? YAYY!!! Life is good. Life is shortened due to clogged arteries, but still good. Fail.