Friday, November 28, 2008

Childhood Trauma, Aisle 1...

So lookee what I received via e-mail today: An invitation to "Meet Bearemy from the Build-A-Bear Workshop!" So this is Bearemy:

Dudes, Bearemy looks freakemy.

Coincidence that "Bearemy" rhymes with "Enemy"? I think not.

Bring the kids? I think not...Unless childhood trauma and bear-related distress are on the agenda. Build-A-Bear is already traumatizing the little childrens with their sad, floppy un-stuffed bear skins...and now this...C-O-N-spiracy, I tell you.

And why do I feel an immediate dislike, nearing Barney-the-Purple-Annoying-Dinosaur levels, for this mascot? There's something about this beanie-sportin', kangaroo-lookin' bear that makes me wanna kick it in its gender-neutral unmentionables and snap, "Put on some pants!"

By the by, I am in no way influenced by Stephen Colbert's anti-bear agenda. Bearemy = Enemy, nuff' said.